3.1 Utilizing medical clinic diagnosis during COVID-19 11

In the past, doctors needed long-term training to conduct professional diagnosis. Nowadays, researchers are making computers smart by making them do reasoning and make decisions, especially for medical diagnosis and treatment during COVID-19. Now, through the latest artificial intelligence identification system, we can diagnose the CT image of patients, and analyze the human cells infected by pathogens, so that in hospitals where medical experts and equipment are insufficient, we can also diagnose the epidemic situation in an emergency. First of all, AI is used to perform basic screening and judgment, and then doctors can do control and correction, to guarantee the safety of the patients and improve the time to treatment for the patients.

Story 6: Intelligent chest evaluation system of COVID-19 11

The new chest computed tomography (CT) coronavirus pneumonia (see Figure 14) is an intelligent evaluation system. It can quickly screen suspected patients and assist medical institutions to quickly shunt patients. It includes the following features:

  • Intelligent detection: the traditional method of detecting lesion areas requires doctors to manually outline the ROI, which is inefficient and difficult to promote, while the use of artificial intelligence can achieve rapid automatic detection of lesions, greatly improving efficiency.
  • Intelligent analysis: The AI system enables dynamic 4D comparison of the whole lung lesion in CT, and quantitative analysis of the severity of pneumonia in 2-3 seconds.
  • Intelligent follow-up: intelligent follow-up analysis of the patient's disease course, accurate matching of historical images, automatic analysis of disease metastasis and development.

Figure 14. CT coronavirus pneumonia

Story 7: AI-Based triage and monitoring system predicts spread of coronavirus 11

Perhaps you're wondering if you could get a doctor's diagnosis and treatment recommendations at home to reduce the hospitals' overcrowding? Believe it or not, it is now possible, thanks to AI. Technology startup Diagnostic Robotics (Tel Aviv, Israel) has developed a triage and monitoring system (see Figure 15) to help healthcare providers, payers and government agencies in the fight against coronavirus (COVID-19). What kind of services can they provide? The solution includes remote patient progress monitoring, automated patient queries, provider-facing alerts about high-risk patients, and daily updates about the spread and progress of the disease at a community and regional level. Definitely, more improvement needs to be done to make it more efficient.

Figure 15. A Monitoring system of patients during COVID-19

Story 8: AI tool to predict COVID-19 patients 11

“The Patient in room number 3 is showing infection signs, available doctors, please come to this room.” Such announcements are often heard in hospitals, especially during pandemics. Is it possible to predict if a patient will require additional interventions prior to the onset of symptoms, so as to carry out early prevention in order to save more lives? Some hospitals have begun to experiment AI technologies, where these technologies learn from existing data to find similar patterns and then uses those patterns to make predictions about the future. For instance, new algorithms are now being developed to determine which mildly ill patients are likely to become severely ill. In doing so, these algorithms also found some unexpected early clinical signs that predict severe cases of COVID-19.

Figure 16. AI tool to predict COVID-19 infection

© Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University (SLIBNU), 2020 all right reserved,powered by GitbookRelease Date: 2022-07-06

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